Over a given period, the value of shares will rise and fall. 股票的价值在某一特定的时期内会有涨跌。
The mountain ranges rise and fall. 山峦起伏。
Cadence means the rise and fall of the voice in reading with rhythm. 顿挫抑扬是形容朗读时声音的高低曲折和和谐的的节奏。
By using a mirror of brass you may see to adjust your cap; by using antiquity as a mirror, you may learn to foresee the rise and fall of empires. 以铜为鉴,可整衣冠;以古为鉴,可知兴替。(唐太宗)
Along the way, the contract can rise and fall in price. 在这个过程中,合约价格可能上升或下跌。
The rise and fall of international energy and food prices also directly affect the life of the Chinese people. 国际能源、粮食价格的起落,也直接影响到中国人的生活。
Rise and Fall of a good that we learn the theory and a series of transactions technology. 很好的使我们学习盛衰理论和一系列交易技术等。以便于我们设计出更好的自动交易系统。
The rise and fall of geomantic culture has much to do with the formation and development of Hakka People. 风水文化的兴盛与客家民系的形成和发展是息息相关的。
While capital flows tend to rise and fall with the economic cycle, flows of remittances were more stable. 尽管资本流动会随着经济周期起落,但汇款流动却更为稳定。
The rise and fall of the industrial economy has influenced on literature modality of different period. 工业经济的起伏动?,对不同时期的文学形态都产生了影响。
Interest rates rise and fall according to the health of the economy. 利率随着经济状况的好坏上下起伏。
Next came the rise and fall of the Asian miracle bubble. 接下来的是“亚洲奇迹”泡沫的兴起和破灭。
Traders make money by speculating on the rise and fall of share prices. 股票交易者通过在股票价格的涨落中投机来赚钱。
Commercial empires may rise and fall, but the consumer brands they own have residual awareness among the public. 商业帝国可能有起有落,但它们拥有的消费者品牌在公众中间仍残留着一些认知度。
She could see the rise and fall of his chest as he breathed. 她可以看见他呼吸时胸部的起伏。
The rise and fall of Pu'er partly reflects the lack of investment opportunities in Yunnan. 普洱茶价格的起伏也在一定程度上反映了云南投资机会的匮乏。
The statistics of rise and fall seem to exist in isolation but closely related to one another. 上升和下降的统计数据貌似孤立存在实则密切相关。
A yo-yo can rise and fall. 溜溜球既可以上升也可以下降。
The person's breathing rate is measured by detecting the rise and fall of his chest. 个人的呼吸频率通过探测他的胸部起伏来测量。
It shows graphically the rise and fall of companies and industries. 海报用图表的形式显示了企业和行业的兴衰。
The rise and fall of the temperature is caused by the wind. 气温的上升和下降是刮风引起的。
Mountain Kunyu ranges rise and fall, with high and precipitous terrain. 昆嵛山在高和险峻地形里起伏不断。
Output rise and fall times are TTL compatible and independent of pulse duration. 输出上升和下降时间TTL兼容和脉冲持续时间无关。
Is the rise and fall of poetry surely related to rhythm? 诗歌的盛衰一定与韵律有关吗?
I wish I was deaf so you don't hear your voice mood will not rise and fall. 我多希望我聋了这样就听不到你的声音心境不会时起时落。
The planets rise and fall day and night by virtue of the earth's rotation. 由于地球的自转,那些行星或升起,或下落,日夜不停。
I feel air, rise and fall and fluctuate as melody, it is transparent to have to rise and fall and fluctuate. 我感到空气像旋律一样起伏和波动,透明得起伏和波动。
So the pull of its gravity causes the oceans to rise and fall. 所以这引力令到海水上升和下降。
Historians have debated the rise and fall of empires for centuries. 几个世纪以来,历史学家一直就帝国兴亡这一命题争论不休。
To cause to rise and fall or vary irregularly. 使起伏或不规律变化。